At first, everything was very difficult, access to the quarrying area was unstable, the extreme hardness of the stone made work difficult, and the shape of the deposit, composed of a vein of quartzite about eight metres thick embedded into a rocky cordillera, didn’t help.

The breathtaking beauty of Azul Macaubas gave the strength to go on, and nowadays the material has become a leader in the dimensional stone market.

Its rich blue colour is given by a very rare mineral, called dumortierite, which can only be found in Brazil and in few regions of South Africa, and the GM quarries are the only ones to quarry Azul Macaubas.

Through the experience gained over the years and the modern technology of its machinery, GM can currently sustain a consistent output of quality blocks, which is a prerequisite to be accepted by an increasingly demanding international market.





SKY GOLD, latest discovery of GM Granitos and Marmores ltda

In the same mountain range where we extract the Azul Macaúbas recently it was found a material with the same technical characteristics, so a quartzite, with a background color marfin and golden veins that have originated the name, Sky Gold.
It is a stone with a classic shade that combines with all types of environments, making them lighter and at the same time elegant.
It has the advantage of having the same hardness of the Azul Macaúbas and the same resistance to chemical and climatic agents so is suitable for both internal and external use.

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SKY GOLD QUARRY, Photos and music by Bixbi/Brasil

AZUL MACAÚBAS QUARRY, Photos and music by Bixbi/Brasil